Re-Design of CIO Connect app

UI/UX Material Design Android IMG

My role

UI/UX Designer

Technical Stack

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


Team Project

Work Period

May 2017 (2 Months | 8 hours each)




After the launch of the first version of the CIO Connect for android, there was a need to increase the utility of the app and upgrade it from a MVP to a full-featured version with respect to its web version.

Our first aim was to look for utility that a user would expect from a content heavy app like this.

The app had a similar navigation drawer based categorization and a bottom tab switch which separated the current and very old conversations in the selected category. The cards had a slight weight plus contrast change to make the differentiation of read and unread messages easier. The web view employed in viewing the PDFs was improved and a zoom feature was added.

The app was successfully launched in the assigned period of time. Currently after several user reviews, we are planning another revision to the app which would include various quality improvements to the code.